Old Growth Charts Blamed for Fat Babies

I’m sad to say it, but some pediatricians are just not up to date on breastfeeding. I would understand, to some extent, misinformation from say, my general practitioner. I would understand misinformation from my dermatologist. After all, their specialty is not connected to babies per se. I don’t understand misinformation from pediatricians’ offices. (I do have to insert here that my childrens’ pediatrician is wonderful and I picked her because she is really very breastfeeding ’friendly’.) Every once in awhile someone will pop up in the forums or send me a PM saying that their doctor doesn’t think the baby … Continue reading

Don’t Be a Breast Milk Bully

Have we become breast milk bullies in this country? Before anyone thinks that I am attacking the idea of breastfeeding, make no mistake as to my feelings on the matter that I have shared here in the past. In the meanwhile, I’ve watched the shift towards breast feeding border onto the fanatical. Literature, geared to be informative, is often slanted to favor breast milk over bottled formulas to such as extent that a mother can be left feeling guilty if she contemplates any other method of feeding her baby. The point is, the majority of women do bottle-feed their babies … Continue reading

Cutting the Cord

The common euphemism “cutting the cord” refers to the figurative severing of the sort of parenting associated with young children. When a parent stifle’s a child’s age appropriate freedom and, otherwise, doesn’t allow the child to grow toward independence, the parent is often advised to “cut the cord, already!”. Of course, literally, all baby’s umbilical cords are cut minutes after birth but the act of severing the cord, itself, often holds as much meaning for parents as the euphemism does. From the moment the cord is cut, the child is forever growing toward independence, a separate being forever more! While … Continue reading