The Importance of Touch

What is generally the quickest way to sooth a baby? Pick her up of course! Touch plays such an important part of the parent-child bond, not to mention its almost miraculous ways of reducing stress, lowering blood pressure and producing feel good hormones. While many people may not agree with me, I am a big believer in carrying your baby and maintaining physical contact as much as possible. True, your baby need some time to explore on her own, but for very young babies, especially, there is nothing like human contact. Numerous studies have shown that touch is as necessary … Continue reading

Massage for Infants

A friend of mine has been teaching infant massage classes in Cape Fear, North Carolina. Massage is beneficial at just about any age, but can have some special benefits for an infant. The benefits of infant massage include: A stronger bond between parent and child. Ideally, you want to find fifteen minutes every day to massage your baby. But if you can only find time once a week, you’ll both still benefit from the time together. Longer, deeper sleep for the baby (which means more restful nights for the parents, too). Relieve discomfort from gas, colic, and constipation. Massage can … Continue reading

World’s Largest Baby Massage

Now there’s a title that conjures up some mental images. But rest assured, it does NOT refer to the world’s largest baby getting a massage. A few days ago, I wrote about the American Baby Faire. It is a cheap (not entirely free, adults have to pay $8 to get in) entertaining way to check out the newest and coolest things for your baby in 2007. It is sponsored by Babies R Us and is a veritable mecca for all things baby. It is a fun event to go to because, of course, all of these wonderful baby products folks … Continue reading

Baby Massage – Empowering Moms & Dads

Did you know that learning the art of baby massage could deepen the bond you share with your infant? It’s great for moms and dads alike and it helps you to communicate on a level of touch that your baby will embrace and enjoy. There are a lot of books, videos and even classes out there available to show you the basics of massage for your infant or toddler. Affection Statistics indicate that parents who practice infant and toddler massage noted that their children seemed far more affectionate than their peers and are equally affectionate with their siblings as they … Continue reading