A Guide to Baby Shoes

Over the weekend, I stopped by a baby store looking for a Melissa & Doug wooden play food set for a Christmas gift. Although the store didn’t have what I wanted, I noticed that there was a woman in the store who was pregnant and already shopping for baby shoes. The baby wasn’t here, obviously, but this new mom wanted to be prepared. There is good reason, however, for holding off on buying baby shoes for an infant, and even for a crawler or new walker. Here is why. Babies have feet that grow quickly. You may wind up spending … Continue reading

Dressing Your Baby – It’s Not a Fashion Statement

I know I may offend some moms when I say the following, but I have never understood those parents who feel like they have to dress their baby up for everything. Little baby girls in dresses can have trouble crawling and are very unlikely to stay neat and proper the way they are dressed. Your baby also doesn’t need a shoe for every occasion. In fact, in my baby’s first several months of existence – she thrived quite well in onesies, footie sleepers and t-shirts. I didn’t buy her a pair of shoes until she was over a year old. … Continue reading

Baby Shoe Crafts

You can use an old baby shoe (clean it up if necessary) or you can purchase an inexpensive pair of baby shoes or large baby doll shoes and use one to make this cute knick-knack for Mom. Another child can use the other shoe, or you can make a gift for Grandma too. Baby Shoe Accessory Items Needed: Baby shoe Floral foam Artificial flowers Moss (or other filler… real or artificial) Ribbon Glue 1. Cut down the floral foam so it fits inside the baby shoe (adult help required). 2. Glue the floral foam in place. 3. Poke the flower … Continue reading

Soft-Soled shoes – Not Just For Newborns Anymore!

Soft-soled shoes are one of my favorite “inventions” for babies and toddlers. When my oldest son was an infant, they didn’t exist. I kept him in some snap-on slippers for the first two years of his life. Something about big bulky baby shoes seemed counter-intuitive to me. By the time my last baby was born, soft soled shoes were springing up all over the place. Thanks to the internet and entrepreneurial mothers out there, there are now many different styles, prices and sizes of soft-soled shoes to pick from. We used to think that baby’s first shoe needed to have … Continue reading