Your Baby’s Vocabulary

One of the biggest delights, I find, as a parent of a young child is all of the great new words and phrases that appear on a daily basis. I never know what is going to come out of the mouth of my two-year-old, and that is a good thing. Sometimes the words can be funny and make me laugh, either because of the pronunciation, or because they are unexpected. One phrase that always makes me smile and makes me prompt my little one to repeat it occurs near bedtime, when he rinses out his toothbrush. He proudly tells everyone: … Continue reading

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I love getting humorous emails – especially those that offer jokes, insights or other amusements that don’t require a lot of thoughts. The one benefit of the Internet is that you get so many of these dopey emails with their one-liners and more. So what does that have to do with babies? Well, first thing this morning – I woke up to this little gem in my email box and I wanted to share it, because when it comes to speaking parentese – we’re all still learning the terms. FEEDBACK: The inevitable result when a baby doesn’t appreciate the mashed … Continue reading

Hey Baby: Let’s Talk

Your baby is never too young for you to talk to. In fact, whether they are verbal with you or not, talking to them is very good for their social, mental and emotional development. Conversations When my daughter was a baby, I used to talk to her all the time. I didn’t just go the baby talk route (though believe me, I did plenty of that too). I used to ask my baby what I should fix for dinner, what book did I want to buy and even better – what pair of shoes looked better. More often than not, … Continue reading

No is more than just N. O.

This may be startling advice for some, but there are a lot of Moms out there who will agree one hundred percent with the idea that the word no is not something you magically start to use when your child develops their language skills. In fact, you begin teaching the word no along with social interaction skills. We start when they are just tiny newborns. When a baby starts crying while you are changing their diaper, we may murmur something as simple as “now, now – none of that – Mommy is here, I’ll fix it.” Those murmurs become a … Continue reading

Talking the Talk

Does your baby talk? I bet your initial answer was no. But I wasn’t asking if your baby said anything that you could understand, I was asking if they could talk. You see, there is a very large difference between whether your baby talks and whether you can understand what your baby says. When my daughter was a baby, she talked non-stop. The trick was, we didn’t always know what she was saying. Babies seem to speak their own language and it is not a language that we as adults are privy to. The reason I call it a language … Continue reading