Newborn Dental Hygiene

You should take care of your baby’s teeth and gums even if she doesn’t yet have any teeth. Research shows that establishing good dental hygiene at a young age, even for an infant, can lead to a lifetime of good health. Here is some advice on what you need to do to take care of your baby. You may or may not have heard of the condition known as baby bottle mouth. Serious harm can come to a baby’s teeth when bottled filled with juice, milk or formula are allowed to sit in a baby’s mouth for long periods of … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: December 1st Through December 7th

Are you excited for the holidays? I’ll be sharing some ideas for sharing this magical time with your little ones. In the meantime, check out the blog posts for the past week. December 1st Baby Blog Week in Review: November 24th Through November 30th This has been a tough week for us, especially with the trip to the emergency room for our youngest child. I’m looking forward to a more quiet week. If you missed that post or any others from last week, you can read them here. December 2nd Baby Blog Month in Review: November 2008 I hope that … Continue reading

Have a New Baby on the Way?

A year is a long time for a child whether they are 2, 4 or 6 years old. My daughter is always asking when we will give her a baby brother or a baby sister. When my sister-in-law was pregnant, my daughter would ask every day when would the baby get out of her tummy and we told her that the baby comes when the baby is ready. When you have an older child or children and you are expecting a new arrival, they cannot truly understand how a new baby will affect their lives. How can they? For most … Continue reading