Safety of Slings

If you’re a parent who keeps up with baby product news, you no doubt have seen phrases similar to the following in recent headlines: “Sling recall.” “Slings blamed for infant deaths.” “Are any baby slings safe?” Due to the recent recall of two sling models manufactured by a well-known baby product company, many parents are questioning the safety of their baby carriers. Parents who formerly were convinced of the benefits of baby wearing are now wondering if the benefits are worth the risks. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 13 infant deaths have been associated with sling-style carriers over … Continue reading

Wearing Your Baby May Enhance Learning

Research is showing that babies who are worn often by their parents have increased visual and auditory alertness, two factors that contribute to a baby learning about the world. There are two factors that experts believe contribute to this phenomena. The first is that wearing a baby puts it into a state of content alertness. Instead of crying or demanding attention, the baby is quiet and happy. This situation of content alertness is the state when babies can process learning the best. Since babies who are worn have more time spent in quiet alertness, they have more opportunity to learn. … Continue reading

Sometimes I wish I Could Still Keep them Close

I was a baby-wearer—even though it was really just the beginning of the current “attachment parenting” movement when my children were babies nearly two decades ago, and I did not have a rebozo or other sort of wrap, I still carried my babies first in the “front pack” as I called it and then on my back for the first year or so of their lives. In fact, I quickly learned that with a newborn and young infant, wearing them was so much easier, kept them happier, and made it possible for me to tend to other children and duties … Continue reading

The 7 Baby B’s of Attachment Parenting

New parents frequently approach attachment style parenting as a list of rules. Nurse on demand. Co-sleep with your infants. Don’t let them cry. Carry them in a sling. While there is definitely a list of parenting behaviors that can be categorized as “attachment style”, attachment parenting is anything but a set of rules. Each individual family must decide how best to meet their infant’s needs given their circumstances. But for those who are looking for a place to begin, a set of guidelines to start exploring in taking care of your infant, here is a list of Baby B’s, as … Continue reading

Do You Kangaroo?

Kangaroo Care is not a new concept. It has been around for centuries and is commonly practiced in other cultures all the time, as a practical way of life. However, the term was coined in 1979 when doctors in Columbia, in response to a shortage of incubators and a hospital wide infection, started using kangaroo care because they simply couldn’t do anything else. The results were astonishing and Kangaroo Care started being used commonly to treat premature infants and respiratory distress. Kangaroo Care, as the term is used today, has a variety of definitions but generally consists of at least … Continue reading

When Your Baby Won’t Stop Crying

It is frustrating to listen to your baby cry for hours on end. And yet, many parents experience this type of high need baby. Try these strategies for coping with your new bundle of joy to make life more bearable: 1. Wear baby in a sling (or similar carrier). Wearing a newborn in a sling helps “recreate” the womb and eases the transition between inside mommy’s tummy to the outside world. If your baby is very fussy, a sling helps by allowing you to do other things while carrying the baby. Another benefit is that you can offer baby the … Continue reading

Baby Wearing

The practice of wearing one’s baby is not really common here in the United States. Although it is becoming more common, most women schlep babies around in a stroller. So why would you want to carry your baby around all day? The benefits, although not widely publicized, are well researched in sociological studies. Baby wearing is quite common in other parts of the world. Here are some reasons why: 1. Wearing your baby allows you to get things done and soothe your fussy baby. It also is very convenient for breastfeeding. 2. Your baby cries up to 46% less! I … Continue reading

What Is “Attachment Parenting”?

Maybe you’ve heard the term “Attachment Parenting” but haven’t really known what that meant? Maybe you are an “Attachment Parent” and never even knew it! Attachment Parenting is a term coined in recent years by Dr. William Sears, MD to describe specific parenting techniques that, when used together, are said to promote attachment and bonding between parent and child. Other terms for Attachment Parenting might be child-led parenting or instinctive parenting. So what exactly are these parenting techniques? They can vary but most people agree that Attachment Parenting encompasses most of the following: Proactive participation in the pregnancy and birth … Continue reading