Back to School Sales at Staples

Does it feel like the back to school sales started early this year? It isn’t even August yet. Even so, there are plenty of back to school sales going on. Staples is a really good place to shop for school supplies, especially if you get their card. Here is what to buy at Staples this week. Staples has a Back to School Savings Pass. They have been offering one each summer for quite a few years now. It provides you with excellent savings. The pass costs $10.00. It gives you 15% off all of the school supplies you purchase on … Continue reading

The Miracle School Supply

I honestly think I may have found the best school supply ever. At least for those of us who enjoy living a more frugal lifestyle, always looking for the cheap school supplies! Every year at back to school time we fight strangers for supplies, that quite honestly are expensive and most are used up before first quarter is even over. Then whatever is leftover is usually lost or ruined by the end of second quarter. Leaving you to start all over again mid school year. My least favorite school supply to purchase has always been folders. And how many different … Continue reading

School Supply Savings

It’s almost that time of year again, our children will be wandering the halls of school, sporting new clothing and the prestigious new backpack. But school supplies can get expensive if you don’t plan ahead. I was just at Wal-mart the other day, and they already have their school supply section in full swing. Of course, part of that is because in our area, we have year round school and it starts July 20! With five children in school this year, it’s important that we cut costs where we can. One of the first things we did, was decide to … Continue reading