Backlash Against Korean Adoptees/Families?

Some Koreans, and adoptive parents of Korean-born children, have expressed fear of a backlash since the Virginia Tech shootings by a Korean-born young man. Seung-Hui Cho was a South Korean citizen and a legal permanent resident of the US who came here at the age of eight. I have not personally encountered racism as a multiracial family except on one occasion when another child said of (and in front of) my daughter, “She doesn’t look like an American.” I have worried that if tensions escalated with North Korea Koreans might be judged on their appearance the way some people of … Continue reading

Kid Fitness – Beware the Backlash

In the last few years, we’ve seen a lot of articles on childhood obesity. We’ve also seen a lot of reaction from the schools and school districts in response to concerns of the parents and the health administration. We’ve applauded the changes they’ve made to the school menus and the cafeteria offerings. We’ve applauded the soda ban and we’re very happy about that. But there’s another ban that’s happening in some schools that’s a little more troubling – it’s a ban on cupcakes. The cupcake ban is not only in the school cafeterias but also as it relates to any … Continue reading