End of Summer Party

All around the country, it’s time for back to school. I am mourning the loss of summer. We never seem to do all that we mean to do. Time and lack of finances prevent some things, but other things we just never get around to doing. A lot of people will celebrate the end of summer with one last cookout on Labor Day. But by that time we will have been in school for three weeks. We will feel like summer was over a long time ago. I like the idea of an end of summer party though. Here are … Continue reading

Water Balloon Fun

Yesterday, I helped my boys get ready for a water balloon fight. It was a perfect afternoon for playing with water balloons. It was hot, dry, and being hit with water actually felt great. I’d bought the balloons on an impulse purchase at the dollar store. Next time we will spend a little more. They were not quality made. We were all more than a little wet by the time we’d filled and tied the balloons. Several burst before we even touched them. A couple of balloons had tears in them and wouldn’t hold water. Quite a few tore as … Continue reading

An Outdoor Room for Family Fun

The first nice warm summery weekend is such fun. This year, the warm weekend came on Mother’s Day weekend, which made it feel even more special. Our family likes to spend a lot of time outside. And it almost feels like a holiday when we migrate outdoors with our plants and chairs. First we swept the patio of leaves and dirt. We put the insect screen back on the gazebo and the cover on the top. We brought out the place mats, citronella candles and wind chimes we’d moved indoors for the winter, and decorated our outside living room. It’s … Continue reading