Yes, There Will Be Bad Days

As the parent of a small child, you may have already noticed that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try to plan, prepare, or otherwise rise to the occasion, there will be days that are simply awful. Sometimes, you can tell that a day is not going to go well as soon as your little ones wake up. Other times, all of the signs of a bad day in the making are there early in the day but you put on your rose colored glasses and try to power your way through it with every ounce … Continue reading

You May Still Have Bad Days

Maybe it has been a while since your divorce or separation or some other major life-altering experience? You may have spent a lot of time, effort, and personal work getting your life on track and, on the whole, you are feeling pretty darn good about where your life is as a single parent taking care of a family. Even those of us who feel basically happy and in control of our lives can still experience bad days. It can be a little scary and if you have weathered a particularly depressing or challenging time, a bad day dip might make … Continue reading