Changing Season & Manning the Bake Sale

For the past few days, in our house, the heat has actually been going on in the mornings and sometimes even in the early afternoon. The tick-tick-tick of the baseboard heat has a sort of soothing sound. This morning, waiting for the school bus with my son, we were jumping up and down to keep warm. Fall is definitely here. While fall has typically been my favorite season, this year we aren’t exactly the best of friends. That is because it is starting to get in the way of my regular routine. The mornings are getting increasingly dark. I get … Continue reading

Tips for a Successful Bake Sale

A few days ago I wrote about the Great American Bake Sale. It is one of the charities that our little Lemonade Stand will support this summer. If one other reader decides that they too will hold a bake sale this year, I’m happy. You can read more about what to do and how to do it at The Great American Bake Sale Website. (If you want a free lemonade stand, check out Sunkist’s give away. We generally combine the lemonade stand with the bake sale to maximize our efforts. While I’ll be the first to admit that running a … Continue reading

Bake to End Childhood Hunger

Calling all bakers! The Great American Bake Sale has officially begun and this is your opportunity to bake your way towards ending childhood hunger. The Great American Bake Sale is sponsored by Share Out Strength, the same people who also sponsor the Great American Dine Out. Their goal is to work with local community efforts in providing food for at-risk children in their communities. They form partnerships with local organizations, as well as state agencies and others to provide money and food for hungry children with the goal that no child should ever know what it’s like to be hungry. … Continue reading