Bamboo Flooring: A Great Alternative to Hardwood

If you love hardwood flooring and are thinking about placing some in your home, you may want to consider bamboo flooring. It is a great option for homes that is simple to clean, has anti-microbial properties, and is environmentally friendly. Bamboo grows quicker than any other type of tree. Unlike some trees that take 15 to 100+ years to grow, bamboo can be harvested every 5-7 years. The minimum aged trees used for most bamboo flooring is three years. The hardness of the flooring usually depends on what type of bamboo is used as well as how long it is … Continue reading

Lucky Bamboo for a Home Business

Despite my often pragmatic approach to life and business, I am not without my superstitions. I am willing to try most things and give every philosophy and theory a bit of a spin. I do put some stock in “energy flow” and Feng Shui, so when a friend recently gave me a “lucky” bamboo plant for wealth and prosperity, I was quite happy to add it to my collection of home business “tools”… Okay, I am not saying that I am going to take my bamboo plant to the bank with me, and if I am being completely honest I … Continue reading