Ever Dreamt of Being a Banker?

Now is your time to make your dream come true. No, you don’t have to have an Ivy League degree, or a degree of any sort at all actually. You don’t have to have a snazzy business suit or impress your colleagues with a gold-plated money clip. Instead, people across America are sitting down at their computer at home and lending out money to their fellow Americans every day. It’s a website called Prosper.com. It is based on the theory that if you are saving money in a bank account at a 4% interest rate, and your neighbor is borrowing … Continue reading

New Career Path: Playing Video Games as a Living

Confession: My husband is a big video game fan. He owns (or has owned) every gaming console ever sold except the two brand-new ones: The Wii and Playstation 3. You have three guesses as to what he wants for Christmas, and the first two don’t count. So when I was reading one of his gaming magazines he had left laying around, and saw an article where Tom “Tsquared” Taylor (who apparently plays video games very well) had signed a contract to be paid $1.25 million dollars to do just that, I yelled, “So Doug, just how good are you at … Continue reading