Update: California Bill Could Ban Spanking

How does Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger feel about the proposed bill banning spanking? On Thursday, he said he would keep an open mind concerning the ban, according to an article in Friday’s , Monterey County Herald. He said he had concerns about how the bill would be enforced and also added that he understood the desire to ”get rid of the physical, the brutal behavior that some parents have.” So far, the proposed bill has drawn criticism including the fact that Sally Lieber, who is sponsoring the bill, does not have kids herself. Potshots were taken at her on an online … Continue reading

California Considers Banning Spanking

California spankers beware, you may have to pay a fine or face jail time for spanking your kids. The state Legislature is seeking to outlaw spanking kids under the age of 3. Assemblywoman Sally Lieber of Mountain View, sponsored the bill. If it passes, California will become the first state to ban parents from spanking their kids. The bill is still being drafted and will be written in broad terms but will be written to prohibit “any striking of a child, any corporal punishment, smacking, hitting or punching”. The offense would be considered a misdemeanor and a parent could face … Continue reading