First Aid for Vomiting

Call it what you will: barfing, throwing up, driving the porcelain bus, morning sickness… vomiting is no fun. Want to get technical? Vomiting is the expulsion of the stomach contents through the esophagus and out the mouth. (And sometimes the nose, too. Whee!) Why is vomiting sometimes a good thing? It can get toxins out of the body and help ease stomach discomfort. Better out than in, as they say. Why is vomiting sometimes a bad thing? It’s gross. (Okay, that’s not medically bad, but I can’t think of any illness that makes me feel worse than throwing up.) The … Continue reading

Two Upset Tummies (and One Upset Aimee)

Over the weekend, I noticed that Moose wasn’t feeling well. My first indication? He threw up in the office. That was just the beginning of what has turned into a very long few days of recurring barf and poop. I was sure at first that Moose’s upset tummy was the result of scarfing down those chicken bones in the parking lot. I cooked up some rice and chicken broth and hoped things in digestion-land would settle down. By Monday morning, Moose seemed to be feeling better. I started mixing kibbles in with the rice and broth. But I was being … Continue reading

When Is Vomiting An Emergency?

One truth of pet ownership: you’re going to have to deal with barf. And poop. And sometimes both. There’s nothing quite like waking up to the sound of a hairball in progress, or a beloved pet yakking up her latest meal. Most times, vomiting or diarrhea isn’t an emergency. Sometimes pets just eat something that doesn’t sit right, or eat too fast, or just get too excited or nervous. Moose tends to get diarrhea after spending an afternoon running around with the energetic puppy Casey. All that play is just too much for his system to handle! Lally will sometimes … Continue reading