Tips for Finding the Best Hotel Bargains

If you have done any traveling, then you know the prices of decent hotels just seems to keep climbing. For individuals that travel for corporate business or even those who just need a nice vacation, finding bargains for hotels is important. Then when you look at families with several children, finding ways to enjoy a wonderful time without breaking the bank is highly important. For instance, let us say you and the family were going to take a trip to Las Vegas, Nevada. While there, you plan to visit a number of sites, hit a few family shows, and dine … Continue reading

More Garage Sale and Yard Sale Tips

Here are a few more tips to help you make your garage sale or yard sale a success: Price Everything While it does take extra effort, you will likely sell more if you price the items for sale. Even if that means placing several items on a table and making a sign that says everything on the table is $1.00, rather than pricing items individually. This is important because people are often shy about asking the price, and they are also shy about making an offer. They want a good deal, but they are afraid they will seem too cheap. … Continue reading

My Favorite Bargains

I love a good bargain, don’t you? I thought it would be fun to share some of my best deals with you. Winter Gear Last summer I found nice winter coats for my youngest two children at a local super-center. The price tags read $35.00 each, but the coats were of course on sale since it was 100 degrees outside. I paid $7.00 for one and $5.00 for the other. I also found snow boots for $3.00 per pair and gloves for 50 cents. Jeans Jeans tend to go on sale during the summer, so buy them when it’s hot … Continue reading

How to Get the Best Tortilla Chips at the Cheapest Prices

Maybe buying great restaurant-quality tortilla chips for a good deal isn’t your top priority. But for those of you who like Mexican food as much as I do, you’re going to want to know where to get really good bag of tortilla chips for the best bargain–and it might be from the place that you least expect. My Story My husband and I are big fans of chips and salsa. Last year we found out that a neighboring city hosts a “Salsa Challenge” each year. We were excited beyond all reason. The event was awesome–with over 70 different vendors all … Continue reading

Purchasing electronics online – Coupon sites

Coupon sites offer online coupons or codes that can provide you with large savings over street prices. Coupons can be used at specific online retailers when checking out. The coupons are usually a string of letters and numbers that you can either type or cut and paste into your shopping basket at your favorite retailer. Some coupon sites are more difficult to navigate than others, but if you spend a few extra minutes searching, you’ll probably find a coupon or two worth using with your next online purchase. This is part of a series of blogs covering online electronics retailers. … Continue reading