She Can Ride! She Can Ride!

Saturday was a great day and a brand new experience for my daughter. She took her first official horseback-riding lesson. As some of you may or may not know, I have been owned horses for several years and although I only own one now, I still avidly enjoy riding. I’ve taken my daughter riding several times, but always as a pony experience or riding up in the saddle with her father or myself. Saturday – she rode alone. Not only did she ride, she rode exceptionally well. I stable my horse locally and they have a pair of great trainers … Continue reading

Judging a Boarding Stable

I told you a bit about what you need to look for yesterday when it comes to choosing your boarding stable. Now I want to give you a little info on judging it. First of all, never expect to find the ‘perfect’ facility. Such a thing doesn’t exist. Boarding stables must be neat, they must smell like a stable, but they shouldn’t smell like a latrine. You want the fences to be in good shape. Wire fences are not to my taste. I prefer solid board and white piping. In the case of board fencing, you want the boards up, … Continue reading