Joking Around with Author and “Bagel” Owner Jeff Cohen

Prepared to be entertained, folks. My next interview victim is the very talented and funny mystery writer, Jeff Cohen. (Just check out the clever titles of his books to get a sense of his wit.) He took a break from his busy writing schedule to “humor” me (pun intended) by answering the following questions. (Thanks again, Jeff. Best of luck with the new release.) Courtney Mroch: What kind of things do you write about? (Genre, subject matter, themes, what have you.) Jeff Cohen: Generally speaking, I’m a writer of “humorous” mystery novels (I prefer the term “Funny,” but they don’t … Continue reading

My Name is Russell Fink – Michael Snyder

I stayed up far too late on Saturday night finishing “My Name is Russell Fink,” and I really enjoyed it. It’s written in a clever, conversational tone – think chick lit, only from a guy’s perspective and not so obsessed with shoes. Our main character, as you’ve probably guessed, is named Russell Fink and he’s a salesman for an office supply company. He’s not a good salesman—he hardly ever puts in a full day’s work and he takes frequent sick days to visit the doctor for pretend maladies—but his boss will never fire him. It seems that several years ago, … Continue reading