Consuming Big

One of the problems we face in terms of eco-friendly living is in our nature. The instinct to hunt and gather, to put things away for the winter, to be prepared, to consume big in case there is a shortage in the future. Humans aren’t the only ones who do this, of course. Think of the squirrels who sack away as many nuts as possible to get them through the cold weather. Or think about how some pets will eat and eat and eat until the dish is empty or they become deceased from the excess. There is nothing wrong … Continue reading

When Weather Takes Over

It is amazing how much the weather can affect your home, and consequently your life. For the last couple of weeks, we have been shown this to be so true. From wind and rain that seemed to come out of no where and stayed practically forever, our home and yard has been greatly affected. On one particular day, for example, all three of our car windshields were broken from falling tree limbs! Yes, so there was the expense for three repairs, right there. Of course, I did score a point for having us all clean out the garage so we … Continue reading

Smart Savings Solutions to Prepare for Winter

Many people tend to be in the deepest financial crisis in the winter months. This may be due to a few different factors and can be different for each family. Here are some common causes of a winter financial crisis as well as some smart savings solutions that you can get started on right now to prepare for winter and protect yourself. Causes of a winter financial crisis Illness With flu and cold season approaching, an illness could cause a financial crisis in more ways than one. Doctor visits, prescriptions and even hospitalization can take a toll on your finances. … Continue reading

Fall Home Preparation

Once you get through with all of the back to school work, it is time to start thinking about how you can prepare your home in the fall to make it more efficient and a lot more green. Typically, in most areas, when winter comes, we use more energy to keep our home comfortable. Let us reduce that dependance with some savvy, but easy, home preparation. One of the best things that you can do for your home in the fall is to eliminate as many drafts as possible. Of course, there are the walls, especially those of the foundation … Continue reading

How to Protect Your Home While You’re Away

Leaving your home alone for any length of time, whether it is a day or a month can be a nerve wracking experience. How do you know that thieves won’t break in to your home while you are gone? Here are some tips on how to protect your home while you’re away. The best way to protect your home while you are away is to make it appear as though it is occupied, even when it is not. If thieves think that you are home, then chances are pretty good that they will not break into your home. Contact a … Continue reading

Creating Your Home Inventory

Are you prepared if disaster strikes? One way to ensure your home possessions are safeguarded is to create and keep a home inventory. You can learn more about The Importance of a Home Inventory by clicking this link. But how can you get started with a home inventory? Here are some easy steps to take as well as a guideline on what to include. I found that for me the easiest approach to beginning a home inventory is to do it room by room. First get a three-ring binder and some old fashioned loose leaf paper. (You can also create … Continue reading

The Importance of a Home Inventory

If you don’t yet have a home inventory, you should consider putting one together as soon as possible. There are many risks to your home possessions, including robbery, fire and floods. You could lose everything suddenly. Once that happens, you want to have the process of replacing it as easy as possible. A home inventory can serve two main purposes. The first is to help you realize what you own and what it is all worth. Once you have your home inventory, you will be able to determine if you have enough insurance to cover your losses. Many people underestimate … Continue reading

Preparing for a Powerful Snowstorm

All along the east coast, from Delaware through the New England state, families are bracing for a powerful snowstorm that may bring many inches of snow. Already snow has landed in Georgia, an unusual occurrence. Cities and states are declaring states of emergencies, even before the first snowflake has fallen. Here in my little part of Pennsylvania, we are expecting somewhere around 12 to 14 inches of the white stuff. While we don’t usually freak out about snow, the reality is that once you get a prediction past six inches here, it is time to make the preparations to ensure … Continue reading

Surviving the Economy: Expect the Unexpected

I know that we are all tired of hearing about how awful the economy is and how things will probably get worse before they get better. While this may all be true, it doesn’t help us much in terms of our own financial situations. So I thought I would share some practical advice about what we can do now to ensure that our families survive the current economy. One big thing that we can all do right now is to watch ahead for the unexpected in terms of major expenses that might really do us in. With unemployment due to … Continue reading

How to Buy a Generator 3

A home generator can really help you out when you lose power in your home. It is a must for anyone who frequently loses power and can be out for hours or days at a time. A generator can restore critical services to your home, such as by providing heat, water, and electricity to medical equipment, as well as lights, and cold food storage. In previous posts, How to Buy a Generator and How to Buy a Generator 2, I talked about identifying your need. One of the things that can be confusing is figuring out exactly how much energy … Continue reading