Really Clean Sheets

How often do you wash your bed sheets? A few years ago Oprah interviewed a “germ expert” who mentioned that bed linen should be washed in extremely hot water every 3 days. A gasp went up from the audience and it was later revealed that the majority of Oprah’s fans routinely sanitized their sheets bi-monthly. So, in case you answered “twice a month—at best” you needn’t feel bad… though you may feel itchy. According to scientists, during the night your body sheds cells, which mites live off of. What’s more, doctors say breathing those microbes in as you sleep can … Continue reading

Travel Tips–Hotel’s Unwanted Guests

I recently went online to research hotels for an upcoming trip to Chicago. I found a hotel in a great location with a price that seemed too good to be true. So before I booked my reservation I visited some websites that provided user reviews of that particular hotel. I was shocked to read that many guests had experienced bug problems in their hotel rooms. While I understand that a report about one hotel does not mean the issue wasn’t isolated to one room, or that hotel management hasn’t since exterminated, but it still raised concerns for me. Frankly, it … Continue reading