Toddlers and Beer Don’t Mix

I’m the mother of a toddler. When Jessie first started on table food, she would eat everything. Thanksgiving at my parents’ house just after she turned one was an exciting exploration in tastes. Jessie’s first cousin once removed, who is about six-and-a-half months older, said “no” to a lot and ate little. Meanwhile Jessie shoveled food off of my plate into her mouth. I’m now blessed with the dining habits of a two-year-old. I swear that toddlers live on air. She wants a lot of different foods throughout the day, but doesn’t eat very much. However, she’s a good drinker. … Continue reading


You may have only heard of hops in regards with brewing beer. Its use in beer making has given this plant a huge significance around the world! But hops have more than just the one purpose in life. In the earliest days of culinary history, hops were used as a kitchen herb. The young shoots are edible, but the plant’s purpose soon changed. By the ninth and tenth century, brewers in France and Germany were using hops as a preservative. Beers brewed using the plant could survive longer in storage. Hops crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the 1600s; the plant … Continue reading

Beer 101

It is almost St. Patrick’s Day. It is a day of the year when many mind’s turn to one thing – beer. But, if you are not a beer aficionado, you may not know exactly what to look for in a good beer. Beer is usually divided into two groups: ale and lager. There are different types of ale. One is wheat beer. Wheat beer originated in Belgium and Germany, but many American companies currently make it. These are usually pale in color and they may have a fruity or crisp-edged flavor. On the label of a wheat beer, you … Continue reading