Homeschooling Then and Now

This post is for new and prospective homeschoolers trying to get a handle on how to start homeschooling. When I began homeschooling, I read at least 30 books on how to homeschool, how homeschooling went, and how homeschooling should go. All of these books were good and valuable, but after homeschooling for 4 years now, I look back and shake my head. Following all of the advice in those older and often outdated books is akin to feeding my child milk from a bottle because my mother fed me that way. Here are some differences between homeschooling then, and now. … Continue reading

Don’t let homeschooling jitters discourage you

Beginning to homeschool is a little like starting college: you know that you want to do it, and you (possibly) have an end goal in mind. You’ve chosen your school, you’re registered for classes, and you’ve moved into the dorm. So far, so good. The basic requirements are all in place. What you don’t know is what the daily routine will be like, if you’ll get along with your roommate, how hard your classes will be, how well your high school study habits will serve you, and if you’ll do well enough to cross that eventual finish line and get … Continue reading

Beginning homeschooling with minimal support

In my first post, I mentioned that my initial investigation into homeschooling included looking into local community support. In this post, I’ll share what I found and how it affected our decision to homeschool. A logical starting point was our faith community, but I was disappointed with what I discovered. Among fellow churchgoers, there was one family of homeschoolers, and their son was in junior high. Not the best social match for my little first-grade girl. The mom also gently warned me away from the local religious homeschooling group, as she had often felt criticized by them for her own … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Christ’s Eternal Mission

As I prepare for Sunday’s classes, I try to break each lesson down into smaller parts and study it throughout the week. This helps me to ponder the various parts of each lesson more fully, and to do more in-depth study of each section. It also makes the larger parts easier to handle. For today’s scripture study, I tried to tackle John 1:1-14. Because we are once again on the road, I was able to make it through the first four verses in depth while still in the car before finally surrendering to the fantastic combination of motion sickness and … Continue reading

Why Homeschool?

Why Homeschool? There are so many benefits and reasons why, but here are just a few: 1. You are your child’s influence. 2. Homeschooled children score at or above average on standardized tests. 3. The world is your classroom. Students are no longer confined to a desk in order to learn. 4. Colleges and universities welcome homeschooled students. There are scholarships for homeschooled students as well. 5. Homeschooling promotes learning experiences relevant to real world experiences. 6. Homeschooling brings your family closer together. 7. You choose your children’s curriculum. 8. Homeschooling encourages creativity and critical thinking. 9. Your home is … Continue reading