“But my child has never had trouble before…”

Sometime in their career most teachers come across a discipline problem that parents seem to be totally oblivious of existing. When the teacher addresses the issue with the parents, the parents usually have some statement such as, “But he/she never had any trouble before…” There are several things that can come with this statement. In this article, I would like to address various situations with a problem child and seemingly shocked parents. Truth with lack of experience. The parents may actually be telling the truth. They may have never had any trouble with their child before now. However, the child … Continue reading

“LADY, get control of your KID!”

Those of us with behaviorally disordered kids get them all the time: Stares. Glares. Looks of indignation. Eye rolls. Huffs. Puffs. Expressions that say, “Lady, get control of your kid!” So this blog is dedicated to those people who shoot the looks of disapproval. Dear shoppers on the run, strangers waiting in line, and cashiers at the counter, It may look like I have failed miserably at raising a well-behaved child. He appears to be an ordinary kid who somehow turned into a monster from bad parenting. And maybe he is irritating you. Maybe you’re annoyed beyond belief at my … Continue reading