Top Ten Wedding Planning Articles of 2006

Several months ago, I started incorporating wedding planning articles into the marriage blog and from those days we’ve since grown that area of discussion to include dating, engagements, proposals and every facet of wedding planning that we could from the bridal shower to the bachelor party to themes for the wedding to the ceremonies themselves. It’s hard to look back at the past year without wanting to look for the ten best articles to come from that wedding planning area of our library. So without further ado, here are my picks for the ten best wedding planning articles of 2006. … Continue reading

Top Twelve Marriage Articles of 2006

Can you pick the best marriage article of 2006? I’ve been writing here since the end of December of 2005 and I can’t tell you how hard this list was to compile, I chose one article from every month of this year and I still don’t think I’ve done every article here justice. With over a 1,000 articles to choose from, culling the list to 12 was beyond difficult. But thanks to a great year and a great co-blogger here in marriage, I’ve done my best. So without further ado, here are my picks for the top twelve marriage articles … Continue reading