Are You Passing on Bias with Your Language?

By the time we are adults, most of us don’t give much thought to the words we use or the way we talk–unless we are in a situation where we feel as though we need to be on our best behavior we just “let it all hang out” when we are talking to family and friends. In raising our children, however, we may be passing on biases, racism, and sexism without even realizing just by the language and words we use… “Boys will be boys” or “Isn’t that just like a girl!”; how about “Women drivers!” or “Men never ask … Continue reading

Gender Bias and Stereotyping Can Be Bad Business

It may seem like the business world is one of the last bastions for gender bias and stereotyping (after all, women still do not get paid the same amount as men overall when it comes to compensation)—but in our home businesses, we have both an opportunity and an obligation to watch out for those biases and stereotyping and we might actually find that it costs us customers and money if we persist in sharing biases and stereotypes. The thing is, most people will not tell us to our faces if they are offended by something sexist that we might accidentally … Continue reading

Homeschooling Abuse or Abuse of Homeschooling

A CBS TV show a few years ago called The Dark Side of Homeschooling highlighted the deaths of three homeschooled children at the hands of their mother, and two other cases of abuses of homeschooled children as well. It is true that horrible things have happened to some homeschooling kids, but in each of the cases profiled, homeschooling was not the cause of the problem. The parents were the cause of the problem. Unfortunately, some abusers are wily enough to use homeschooling as a tool to cover abuse of children. They know that they may be caught in their misdeeds … Continue reading

Do You Act Fat?

I had the weirdest conversation with someone the other day. I was standing outside my daughter’s dance school and I was chatting with a couple of the other mothers. To put it into perspective, one of the women was a size 6 or 7 and the other I would hazard was somewhere around a 14 or 16. She wore my size. Both women look good and while I would hazard that the woman who wore my size was a little on the overweight side, she didn’t appear fat as we define it in our culture. Now, bear in mind, I … Continue reading