What is a Christian?

Recently I heard several people describe themselves as Christian and there appears to be some misunderstanding over what a Christian is. Let’s start firstly with what a Christian is not. A Christian is not someone born into a particular denomination or religion. As someone said once being born in a garage doesn’t make you a car. A Christian is not someone who goes to church, though many Christians do go to church. A Christian is not someone who follows a set of rules or beliefs, though being a Christian will affect your choices. A Christian is not someone baptized or … Continue reading

Help For a Flagging Quiet Time

Does your quiet time need revival? Maybe it needs a complete overhaul? Maybe it needs resuscitation. Here are some ideas to help you revitalize your quiet time or as I call it communion time, since it is the time when I commune with God and He communes with me. Focus first, on putting yourself in God’s presence by remembering who He is. Maybe focus each day on a certain attribute of God. E.g. love, justice, mercy, faithfulness, or power and praise Him for this. Or you might focus on the names of God and exactly what they mean to you … Continue reading

Are You Letting God Speak to You?

Did you read God’s Word this morning? Or was it a week ago, a month maybe longer since you opened the bible and allowed God to speak to you? Are you thankful each day for the great blessing of being able to read God’s Word? Do you realize what a privilege and joy it is to be able to do this? For many people in our world this is not the reality because they do not have a bible in their own language. In 2006, for the first time in South Eastern Mexico, 200,000 Huasteca Nahuatl (pronounced Was-te-ca Nah What-l) … Continue reading