Biggest Scrapbooking Mistakes – Shapes

The fad of cutting everything and anything on a layout into shapes, has long since past. However, if you’ve been scrapbooking for any length of time, you probably have albums full of layouts that contain shapes throughout. It wasn’t like the shapes were limited to squares and rectangles either. Oh no, we had ovals, and circles too. But what was worse was the stars and hearts and other odd shapes we felt the need to crop our precious photos into. Of course not everyone cropped just their photos. Often scrapbookers used special shapes for their journaling, using special templates. Journaling … Continue reading

Biggest Scrapbooking Mistakes – Shapes

The fad of cutting everything and anything on a layout into shapes, has long since past. However, if you’ve been scrapbooking for any length of time, you probably have albums full of layouts that contain shapes throughout. It wasn’t like the shapes were limited to squares and rectangles either. Oh no, we had ovals, and circles too. But what was worse was the stars and hearts and other odd shapes we felt the need to crop our precious photos into. Of course not everyone cropped just their photos. Often scrapbookers used special shapes for their journaling, using special templates. Journaling … Continue reading

Biggest Scrapbooking Uh-Oh’s part one

If you’ve been scrapbooking as long as I have, you are sure to have run into an uh-oh or two, otherwise known as a scrapbooking regret or possible blunder. Not everyone feels the same way about what they regret doing, but everyone has at least one or two. There are the ten biggest blunders or uh-oh’s scrapbookers tend to look back upon and have total regret for: Shapes – Goodness knows if you scrapbooked back in the late 90’s you have them. Shapes of all sorts, adorning your precious pages. Your poor photos are more than likely cropped into stars … Continue reading