Are You Passing on Bias with Your Language?

By the time we are adults, most of us don’t give much thought to the words we use or the way we talk–unless we are in a situation where we feel as though we need to be on our best behavior we just “let it all hang out” when we are talking to family and friends. In raising our children, however, we may be passing on biases, racism, and sexism without even realizing just by the language and words we use… “Boys will be boys” or “Isn’t that just like a girl!”; how about “Women drivers!” or “Men never ask … Continue reading

Dealing with Prejudice

I received one of the most rude, narrow-minded, bigoted comments on a blog today. When I weighed 260 pounds, I dealt with people’s attitudes toward my weight all the time. To salespeople, I didn’t exist. I’d walk into a store with the intent to purchase something (usually grossly overpriced clothing) an be completely ignored. Eventually, I found that I received better customer service by online ordering. If I had the nerve to go to a fast food restaurant and order anything more than a salad, I’d get “the look”. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of the look, … Continue reading

Words have Meaning

For readers who believe in defending traditional marriage, don’t worry. You have every right to think, feel, and yes, say what you believe. Don’t feel obligated to comment here. Just know it. Look, even Heather says you’re entitled to your opinion: “First and foremost, understand that I respect the rights of everyone to have an opinion and a position.” Yet, there is a caveat. You have that right, but if you don’t agree with gay “marriage” then your opinion is just prejudice and bigotry and that’s all it is. There is no other word for it, in Heather’s opinion. It’s … Continue reading