Supermodel Makes Headlines for Being “Bad Parent”

What do you consider “bad” parenting? When I think of bad parenting the words “abuse,” “neglect” and “abandonment” come to mind; not the words “packing a kid on a bike.” But that’s exactly what supermodel Elle MacPherson did with her 5-year-old son and not only did it get her in trouble with police, who deemed the gorgeous mother an “irresponsible, bad parent,” but it also landed her on the cover of a slew of British tabloids and incited national debate about what defines poor parenting. Here’s how this entire incident got started: A few weeks ago MacPherson propped her five-year-old … Continue reading

Gas Attack—Man Fights Back

You’ve heard the complaints. Heck, you’ve probably spewed out a few yourselves. The cost of gas is ridiculously high and most drivers are not holding their tongues when it comes to ripping into those in charge of price gouging. But there is one man who lives not far from my neighborhood who is doing more than just flapping his lips about the outrageous price of fuel. Brian LaFave says he has given up on complaining. In fact, he couldn’t care less how high gasoline prices climb these days. The Wisconsin man has parked his pickup truck and is refusing to … Continue reading

Travel Tidbits: Famous Faces Try to Lure Tourists to New York and Touring North Dakota on Two Wheel

What do actor Kevin Bacon, MTV personality Coltrane Curtis and musician Itzhak Perlman all have in common? They want you to visit their favorite Big Apple haunts. And thanks to a new ad campaign you’ll discover where these famous faces hang out in the city during their downtime. Metropolitan Opera general manager Peter Gelb, MTV fashion VJ Coltrane Curtis and Perlman are among the famous New Yorkers who have joined the newly expanded citywide welcome campaign for foreign travelers. The idea behind the new project, according to tourism officials, is to provide insider tips from celebrities and local experts about … Continue reading

Get Biking

We all know May is the month we celebrate our dear mothers and recognize the sacrifice made by our military service men and women. But, did you know that the month of May is also the time of the year when the nation commemorates the bicycle? Yes, May is National Bike Month—and there is no better time to get your family out on two wheels to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. The country is filled with top-rate bike trails just waiting for you to make tracks on them. Here are a few of that consistently rank as the most popular … Continue reading

Bike Fitting –The Key To Finding The Perfect Bike

If you have been watching current coverage of the Tour de France you have no doubt seen that the riders are mere extensions of the expensive bikes that help them traverse the French Alps and navigate through the seemingly endless stretches of farmland on their way to the race’s finish line in Paris. The rider’s bikes seem to fit their bodies as well as their Lycra riding suits do. But for the rest of us recreational bikers, two-wheeling may begin to hurt after a short ride to the park. It’s during those moments that many of us have discovered what … Continue reading

Your Child’s Bike—Shopping For Quality

School’s out… which means hundreds of thousands of children across the country are traveling to the pool, around the neighborhood, and to the corner store on two-wheels. To insure your children arrive at their destination safely, it’s critical that their “wheels” are the right fit. So how do you shop for a quality bike? The number one factor to remember when purchasing a child’s bike is to not buy one that is too big, with the idea that your child will grow into it. A bike that is too big is not safe. There are, however, bikes designed to accommodate … Continue reading

Bicycle Safety Tips

As the weather turns warmer, I see kids throughout my neighborhood participating in that age-old childhood pastime: bike riding. It’s fun, it doesn’t involve a screen or eating or talking on the phone, its free, its great exercise – what more could parents ask for? The fun doesn’t come without some risks. Following proper safety precautions can minimize and even eliminate injuries and risk: Children of all ages should wear a helmet while using anything with wheels – bikes, scooters, roller blades, roller skates, etc. Use a helmet every time, starting when your child is around 12 months old, even … Continue reading

Fall Hazard Prompts Performance Inc. to Recall Bicycle Resistance

March 7, 2006 Release #06-107 Firm’s Recall Hotline: (800) 553-8324 CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772 CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908 The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. Name of Product: 2006 Performance Travel Trac Trainers Units: About 10,200 Importer: Performance Inc., of Chapel Hill, N.C. Hazard: The base of the trainer has a blocking mechanism that can break causing the bicycle to disengage from the stand, posing a fall hazard. Incidents/Injuries: Performance has received … Continue reading

Street Smarts Safety

Going for walks with your baby or child can be fun. Not only is it great exercise for both of you, but your child will also love the scenery while discovering new things. Something as simple as a flower, insect, or street sign can be incredibly interesting for your child! Use this time not just to relax, but also to educate your child. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach them about staying safe on the street. They might be having so much fun, they won’t even realize all of the great safety tips you are teaching them! Here are … Continue reading


Okay, we all know that the male and female body is created differently. Therefore, it only makes sense that a woman would need a different type bike saddle than a man would yet many bikes are geared toward the male behind. If you love to ride but hate the discomfort that goes along with it, good news – today, a number of manufacturers are making bike seats (saddles) specifically for the female body so now, you can ride in comfort and style. Interestingly, hundreds of thousands of women have ridden on a male saddle for years simply because they had … Continue reading