Safety is a Good Choice for Your Health

For a large portion of the year, it’s dark when I drive to work at the cats-only boarding facility. I usually take a back road, rather than the highway — less traffic, nice scenery, a better ride all around. This particular road has very little in the way of shoulders — and no sidewalks — for bikers and walkers. Two mornings in a row, I’ve encountered someone who didn’t take safety seriously. One was on a bike, riding down the middle of the road. Thankfully, I saw the bike’s reflectors and knew something was in my path… but didn’t make … Continue reading

Toddler Bikes & Bike Safety

Good morning and welcome to September 12, here in the baby blog. It’s a balmy 68 degrees this morning with the relative humidity stuck somewhere around the icky and the sticky. Today I want to talk about toddler bikes and bike safety. Many parents assume that they don’t have to worry about bike safety until their little one grows up enough to graduate to a two wheeler, but bike safety begins as soon as your child starts mastering a trike or a bike outside. Our daughter was between 2 and 3 when she received her first tricycle. She rode it … Continue reading

Your Child’s Bike—Shopping For Quality

School’s out… which means hundreds of thousands of children across the country are traveling to the pool, around the neighborhood, and to the corner store on two-wheels. To insure your children arrive at their destination safely, it’s critical that their “wheels” are the right fit. So how do you shop for a quality bike? The number one factor to remember when purchasing a child’s bike is to not buy one that is too big, with the idea that your child will grow into it. A bike that is too big is not safe. There are, however, bikes designed to accommodate … Continue reading