The Best Type of Binder for Household Notebooks

What is the best type of binder for household notebooks? This question has actually been asked to me a lot in my days of spreading the word about our family central binder. The place where the whole family can find almost any information they need. However, the question posed is a good one, because the type of notebook is important. 1” Binder is the bare minimum size that I would recommend. This usually allows a household with maybe one child or two children to maintain a good record for the family. My families binder is a 3” binder. Yes. It … Continue reading

Dividing Your Household Notebook

By now you should have gathered all of the supplies that you need for making your household notebook. If you have not accomplished this yet, I strongly urge you to consider this method of household organization. For years it has saved my family a lot of time and money. So it is now time to focus on the dividers and categories. No two household notebooks are ever the same. Each family has different needs, and has a different focus on family life. For a homeschooling family, they won’t necessarily need a school or field trip section, however they might wish … Continue reading

How to Make a Household Notebook

My household notebook is truly my household manager. Sometimes I think that if I didn’t have it, I would not know which way was up, at least half the time. I discovered household notebooks many years ago. I was shopping at store that sold these little planner things that were very small and you could record all kind of information in them. They were titled Household Inventory. Though truly there wasn’t much in them that made them an inventory. I came home and was thinking about the book. I did not purchase one, instead I had the creativity to make … Continue reading

What is an Insurance Binder

The general definition of an Insurance Binder is a temporary insurance contract that provides proof of coverage until the permanent policy is issued. A Binder is insurance coverage and can be offered verbally or in writing from an agent or insurance company. Binders offer temporary insurance coverage for a stated period of time to complete underwriting and issuance of the insurance policy is finished. The actual point of coverage may be different from state to state and may also be different for depending on the policy. Insurance companies appoint an agent and give them permission to “Bind” a specific amount … Continue reading

The Household Notebooks – Divided

Now that you know how to get started in organizing your household notebook, it’s time to figure out what needs to go in each category. I’m turning this article a bit personal, to show you examples of what I put in my household notebook. I also just recently added a “Deals and Savings” category, so although I have a few items in there, I will need to add to that as I go along. This section is further explained below. Many forms are available online to download and print. I suggest using Google to search, however has some wonderful … Continue reading

The Household Notebook – Explained

Having a household notebook can be a blessing. It’s an easy way to keep everything in place and find what you need when you need it. It also saves time and money, and as we all know, saving time seriously does save money in the long run. A household notebook is what you make it, however it’s an organizer for the entire family, sort of a command center for the entire family, if you will. I will explain how I put mine together and how it works for my family. You will need to customize your’s to fit yours and … Continue reading

The Organizational Binder

Ideas for organizing my scrapbook stuff come to me at the strangest times. Sometimes at night, when I am trying to go to sleep. Sometimes during the afternoon when I am running errands with five loud children in the back of my mini-van. But regardless of when they hit, I always write them down! I keep an Organizational Binder with me at all time’s in my purse, but you could also keep it with you in a diaper bag, or simply carry it as if it was an actual organizer (which mine is). I am obsessed with organizing things. In … Continue reading