Stop Binge Eating – Part 2

Yesterday, I was talking about something I am often guilty of – binge eating!  How do you stop it? One way to stop bingeing is to take smaller bites, enjoy your meal, and extend the time if you can.  Set a timer if needed.  The longer you draw out your meal, the more chance your stomach has to realize how much food is in it and stop you from eating more.  If you don’t believe this, just think back to the last time you eat a lot of food and felt miserable.  You probably ate quicker than your body could … Continue reading

Stop Binge Eating – Part 1

Do you binge eat?  I know I do.  I’ll promise myself that this is it – I am going to stop eating so much and start exercising.  Next thing I know, I am sitting in my recliner, stuffing a pepperoni pizza in my face and watching television.  Not a good plan! But, how can you stop it?  First, you need to realize that some dieticians frown on diets because they are not teaching you healthy lifestyle changes.  If you are thinking of going on the Atkins Diet and sit there thinking “I can never have another piece of bread, ever … Continue reading

Eating Disorders and Our Relationship with Food

Did you know that binge eating is more common than anorexia or bulimia? A national survey was conducted by psychiatric researchers at Harvard University Medical School and McLean Psychiatric Hospital. Of the people surveyed, 3.5% of women and 2% of men were binge eating (eating beyond the point of fullness without vomiting). The results for those suffering from anorexia were .9% of women and .3% of men. Those suffering from bulimia were 1.5% of women and .5% of men. Nine thousand people were interviewed for this survey. It’s likely that the number of people suffering from these eating disorders is … Continue reading