Dealing With The Public Perception

If you have adopted children that do not look like you, you have to learn to ignore some people’s negative reactions. I am writing about the glance that turns into a stare that occasionally turns into a glare. If you are not familiar with my family, my wife and I are 60 and 52 (Nancy’s birthday is today) and white. Our adopted children are ages two through eight and biracial. Even though they are maternal brothers, they show a lot of ethnic diversity. We look like a United Nations group. We live in the country outside of Houston, Texas. I … Continue reading

Ethnic Culture Class, Part 2

Over 35 years ago, I had a very significant conversation with a friend. I did not understand it as important at that time. But, I remembered it. I grew up in the south in the fifties and early sixties. The only black people that I knew were domestic employees in my home and in my friends’ homes. It seems like it was so long ago. In 1970, I was a second year law student at the major college in the state. My class started out the previous year with 180 students. In that class were three black men, three white … Continue reading