Are You Sure Your Child Has ADHD?

A quick google search will lead you to more information about ADHD than you could possibly read. Many parents think that they know enough about ADHD to be able to properly diagnose it in their own children. It’s best to get a formal assessment by a professional health care provider, though. There are many other disorders that share some symptoms of ADHD. Are you sure your child has ADHD? According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of ADHD include: difficulty with sustaining attention on a task, frequent failure to follow through with and complete tasks, and problems with organizing. Kids with … Continue reading

Stay Away from BPA

We already know that BPA is dangerous. It has been linked to fertility problems, cancer, and sexual dysfunction in men, among other defects. There has been a big push to remove BPA from the plastics that we come in contact with every day. If you walk through the baby aisle, you’ll notice that most of the bottles are in packaging boldly marked, “BPA Free.” Many people have switched to using aluminum water bottles as a precaution as well. We know BPA is dangerous, and we have taken steps to protect ourselves and our families, but now we know more about … Continue reading

AFP Tests – What do they mean?

Between the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy, you will receive a screening test called an AFP. It’s a blood test and you will need to give your permission before the test is done. There are so many blood tests and urine tests and just tests that we go through when we are pregnant and seeing our obstetricians that it is hard to keep them all straight. The following is some information on the AFP, I am not a physician by any stretch of the imagination so be sure to consult with your physician if you have any questions or … Continue reading

Putting on a Brave Face: Children with Facial Disfigurements

Facial disfigurements can be caused by birth defects, genetic conditions, or traumatic injuries. Parents of children with facial disfigurements feel a tremendous amount of pain for their child’s sake. That’s because they recognize that going out into the world with a facial difference takes an enormous amount of courage. Children with facial differences are often teased, bullied, humiliated, and shunned. “I know what it is to be left out of things. On more than one occasion, kids would whisper behind my back, sometimes even throw things at me. I never knew what it was like to have a boyfriend much … Continue reading

What is Spina Bifida, and Who is at Risk?

What is Spina Bifida? Every year, about 3,000 infants are born with spina bifida, a neural tube defect which occurs during the first month of pregnancy. The spinal column of an unborn child begins to form early, often before a woman even realizes she is pregnant. If the spine does not fuse together properly, it leaves the delicate nerves of the spinal cord exposed or damaged. This is spina bifida. In severe cases, there may be brain involvement, causing fluid on the brain and requiring a permanent shunt for drainage. Spina bifida typically causes varying degrees of disability, from partial … Continue reading