What Can You Do Instead of Birthday Presents?

Earlier this month, I wrote about how birthday parties can get out of control. In “Whose Birthday Party is it, Anyway?” I wrote about all the ways that we can lose perspective and how birthday parties can get hijacked by different parties until we forget who the celebration is supposed to be for. One of the ways that birthdays can get out of hand is by putting too much pressure on gift giving and getting. Have you ever considered starting a new family ritual and coming up with activities or other things to do INSTEAD of focusing on birthday presents? … Continue reading

The Gift of Time

Today is my 35th birthday and it’s funny, I kept forgetting that it was right around the corner and I had to laugh this morning as my husband is up very early (he doesn’t like early mornings), but his gift to me this year is to run all the errands such as getting the kids to school in the morning, picking them up after school and taking them to all their extra-curricular activities like dance, cheer/tumble and gymnastics. His goal was to give me time. What a precious gift that is! For all the things in the world out there … Continue reading