Fireman Birthday Party

When my son was four years old he wanted to be a fireman. So of course he wanted a fireman birthday. I had just had a baby three weeks earlier so I wanted to make the party as easy as possible. It didn’t take much effort and the party was a great success. Invitations I found a clipart of a Dalmatian dog wearing a fireman’s hat. I copied it on to cardstock and then colored the fireman’s hat red. I also printed the party information. Decorations I decorated for the birthday party with red, yellow, and orange balloons and streamers. … Continue reading

Recording Birthday Memories

Birthdays are a popular celebration that we like to include in our scrapbooks. With the many activities that can be involved with a birthday, I thought I would share some ideas of things you won’t want to forget to include on your birthday layouts. Here is a layout I have completed of my daughter’s birthday. I used the May kit to complete this layout. Notice how I included a photo of each party guest to create a boarder for the page. Photo of the birthday person. For children, it is fun to take their picture with the same object … Continue reading

Home and Family: Special Events

While most of us have no problem making holidays and birthdays special and festive, sometimes there are competing events that make it a little more challenging. One example is a birthday that falls on a holiday. My child’s birthday sometimes falls on Easter, as it does this year. In order to keep the birthday from competing with the holiday and vice versa, we try to plan something special for another day. I felt bad at first, because I thought my daughter would be disappointed, but in fact, she’d rather celebrate on a different day than celebrate her birthday during a … Continue reading

The Gift of the Magi

You’ve heard the story – it’s usually told at Christmas – about the husband and wife that sell what is precious to them to buy something wonderful for their spouse. They do this out of deep love for the other. What they discover when they receive their gifts is something neither can use, but a deeper appreciation for their wealth of feeling for each other. It’s a great story of love and appreciation; one we can all take to heart. Yesterday was my birthday. Instead of giving me flowers and presents, my husband gave me time. He got up early … Continue reading

The Joy of Receiving Homemade Gifts

I’ve written before in these blogs about the joys of making and giving homemade gifts. Last week, the tables were turned when my birthday rolled around and I received a homemade gift from my fifteen-year-old daughter. She had been hinting around that she had a really special birthday gift for me this year. I knew she was short on cash, so I wasn’t sure what she had up her sleeve. Boy, was I surprised. I knew she was creative, but she came up with this little guy to hang from my car rearview window all by herself without a pattern. … Continue reading

Our Birthday Rituals

Today my baby turns four years old. Four is a bittersweet age. He’s no longer a baby, for sure, but he still wants to be in many ways! He’s bursting with independence but with independence becomes new fears and insecurities. Has it only been four years? Sometimes it seems like an eternity, others like only a fraction of a second. I still remember carrying him to my body from my womb, amazed at what a tiny miracle he was (all 10.5 lbs of him!). Birthdays, no matter what the age though, are always bittersweet for me. They are not just … Continue reading

More Ideas for Big Kid’s Birthday Parties

Here are a few more ideas to help you plan cool birthday parties as your kids get older: -Have the party at a park or ball field and have a game of basketball, softball, or soccer instead of playing “kiddy” games. Remember that even big kids like prizes, so provide prizes for the winning team. Make sure the prizes are cool. Temporary tattoos for boys and lip-gloss for girls are a couple of good ideas. -Instead of a regular party, let your child choose a place to take a couple of friends, such as the bowling alley. Check with one … Continue reading

Dinosaur Birthday Party

Birthdays are a big deal in our family, but we don’t have a lot of money to spend each year. So when my son told me he wanted a dinosaur birthday party for his 6th birthday. I decided to get creative. I did his entire birthday party for under $50. I focused on three main things: Decorations, Games/Party Favors, and the Cake. Decorations a. To create a dinosaur scene I bought some butcher paper at a local school supply store and made the dinosaurs. I used paper bags and tissue paper for the volcano and palm trees. b. I taped … Continue reading

Birthday Layout Ideas

When planning a birthday layout, there are many things to consider including such as the cakes, guests, party activities, and birthday cards. It is nice to be able to include the birthday cards that are received for a birthday on a birthday layout, by they would take up a lot of space if they were each attached to the page. One solution that I came up with was to create a pocket for the cards behind a photo mat. This is a great solution because the space can both display pictures and hold the cards in the pocket; the space … Continue reading

Handmade Birthday Card Idea – Two

Birthday Card Two I love to make cards. It is a quick project where you can see the final results quickly (unlike a scrapbook that may have no end.) I want to share a birthday card that I just finished and hope to spark some creative card making for you! The paper used for this card is all from the SEI Twitterpated line. This paper was so much fun to work with! I also used Making Memories magnetic stamps, ink, Quickutz Studio Alphabet, Heidi Swapp photo corners and the blue fiber. Here are the steps I followed to complete the … Continue reading