The Benefits of Family in the Delivery Room

At some point in your pregnancy, you will need to decide who will be joining you in the delivery room. Some women like a lot of support and believe birth is a family event that should be shared. Women with this belief like more than just their partners in the room. There are some benefits to having family present in the delivery room. If you are the kind of person who draws support from family and close friends, you may like company during labor. Giving birth surrounded by love and support can be a beautiful way to welcome a baby … Continue reading

Is Your Hospital Baby Friendly?

When you are choosing a place to have your baby, consider a baby friendly hospital. If you want an environment that supports bonding and breastfeeding, this is the best possible choice you can make for a hospital birth. You will have immediate and continual contact with your baby and will get the support and help you need to breastfeed successfully. The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative was started by UNICEF to help health care providers give patients the best care and to help support mothers in feeding and caring for the babies. To be considered baby friendly, the hospital must meet … Continue reading