Biting Flies

Fly bites are a common problem for pets of all sizes — from horses to dogs to cats — especially during the summer months. There are lots of different flies that can torment people and pets! A few common types of flies: Blackflies — sometimes called “buffalo gnats” because they have a hump over their heads. These flies are tiny (approximately one-eighth of an inch long) bloodsuckers that tend to swarm near fast-moving water. There are more than a thousand species of blackfly… that’s a LOT of biting. Deerflies — medium-sized flies that can transmit disease with a bite. They … Continue reading

Pet First Aid: Fly Bites

In some parts of the world, fly bites are a common problem for pets. Dogs — especially dogs with upright ears — are more susceptible to fly bites than cats are, but any pet may fall prey to a biting fly. Horses are often preyed on by stable flies (also known as biting houseflies). Fly bites generally aren’t life threatening — some first aid action on a human’s part is usually all the injury needs. Signs of fly bites can include: Inflamed ear tips and edges Crusty scabs Wounds on the ears that leak blood or (more often) serum The … Continue reading