Should You Play Matchmaker?

It is getting very close to Valentine’s Day. It is a time of the year for love and romance. It is also the time of the year for matchingmaking and setting up blind dates. It can be very hard to see friends and loved ones alone this time of the year. No one wants to think of anyone, especially those that they are close to, of being alone on Valentine’s Day. However, there are many things to think about before you begin to play cupid. Setting up your friend or family member may seem like a great idea. Yet when … Continue reading

Dating Tips

The first rule of thumb when asking for dating tips is there are definite pros and cons to many of the choices that can be made on a first date. It is usually safer on a first date to meet at a neutral location rather than picking someone up. While it may lack a bit of romance, meeting in a neutral location offers conversational topics, something to do and a place to retreat to when and if either one wants to end the date. The idea is not that it will be needed, but that it is available if it … Continue reading

What is a Blind Date?

A blind date is a date between two people who have never met and typically know little or nothing about each other. Friends, family or co-workers usually try to arrange a blind date in order to hook up two people whom they do know and care about and want to see happy. Participating in blind dates is more popular than most people may think. On university campus settings, blind dates happen as often as 1 date in 10 though whether they are labeled blind dates or mixers or through fraternity/sorority events. Blind dates may not always lead to true love, … Continue reading