What is that New-Skin Stuff, Anyway?

I happen to have a number of cuts on my hand at the moment (I’ve been taking classes at a glass studio in Portland and was especially clumsy yesterday) and had the opportunity to try that “New-Skin” stuff — it’s part of the first aid supplies they keep on hand. New-Skin (and other liquid bandages) brush on and dry quickly, forming a flexible, waterproof covering for cuts, scrapes, skin cracks, and blisters. The original New-Skin brand product was invented more than a hundred years ago and got its first trademark in 1901. Several different companies make and market liquid bandages, … Continue reading

Treating Burns

Minor burns (like first degree/superficial burns, or small partial thickness/second degree burns) can often be treated at home. The most important thing to do is stop the burning process! Put out any fire or flames — stop, drop, and roll if your clothes are on fire. Remove hot/burned clothing if possible. Stop contact with hot steam or a hot object; your reflexes make take care of this one. In other words: if you stay in contact with the heat, you will continue to burn. Next, you want to cool the injured area. Run water over the burn for at least … Continue reading

Chicken Pox: Stop That Itch!

The rash that accompanies a case of chicken pox is incredibly itchy! These red bumps or blisters can leave scars if they are scratched too much. So if your kids (or you) are fighting chicken pox, here are some tips to help you fight the itchies. Keep your fingernails short. That way, if you DO scratch, you won’t do as much damage. Keep your hands covered. A pair of mittens or even a pair of socks can keep you from scratching while you’re asleep. Wash your hands often. If you do scratch with dirty hands, you can spread germs into … Continue reading

Foot Care – Blister Prevention

The nicer the weather is, the longer my walks tend to get. I just can’t resist the fresh air and sunshine! Whether you’re a hiker, a speed walker, or a stroller, you have to watch out for blisters! Blisters are your body’s reaction to moisture and irritation in a specific area. If your feet get hot and sweaty, your socks are going to stick to your feet. Your sticky, sweaty socks and your feet are going to rub against the inside of the shoe. A blister fills with fluid in an attempt to protect the area. You can prevent blisters … Continue reading