Reason #197 to Work from Home

We recently got word that my husband’s long-time employer, a sign company, was closing their doors come August 1st – the owner was retiring and wasn’t selling the business but instead just shutting it down. As we debated what to do, we finally decided that moving was our only option. We live in a small town, and there isn’t exactly a plethora of graphic artist jobs in the offing. We will be moving to a larger town about two hours away, where there is a plethora of sign companies who hopefully will want to hire my husband. Hopefully. 😉 But … Continue reading

What Kind of Blogger are You?

I wanted to talk a bit about the different types of bloggers out there, because it seems like a lot of people get this mixed up. When I tell people that I blog for a living, they think that I’m writing up blogs about what my cat ate for breakfast this morning (which since I don’t have a cat, would make for an incredibly boring blog) or whatever other random thought pops into my head. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that my blogs on here tend to be a little bit random at times, but they do at … Continue reading

Blogging for Pay

Since I have come home to work, I have done a variety of jobs, and the steadiest income from those jobs has been from blogging. There are a lot of people who make a heck of a lot more than I do from blogging (think six figures here) but although I may not make the most, I think I still have lots to share with anyone who is looking into getting into the blogging business themselves. The more I learn, the more surprised I am at how much I didn’t know when I first got started. I stumbled around pretty … Continue reading