The Downsides to Having a Personal Blog

We just finished covering the great part about blogging for yourself, but there are also some really big downsides, such as: *There is no guaranteed income from it. In the first month of my personal blog, I made $0.02 from the ad income. When I told people I was “putting my two cents in” apparently I meant that literally. 😛 And since that ad revenue was coming from Google AdSense ads, and you have to reach a payout of $100 before you can receive a check for the money, that meant that at a rate of $0.02 per month, I … Continue reading

Control Over Your Blog and Income – Another Plus for Personal Blogs

As I just said in my last blog, there are a lot of pluses to having your own blog, such being able to write as often as you want, the blogs can be as long as you want, and you can write on any topic you want to. These next pluses can be even bigger though; check ’em out: *You have complete control over how your blog looks, what the set-up for it is – all of that fun stuff. Speaking from experience here (I have changed the theme on my personal blog no less than 27 times) this can … Continue reading

The Wonderful Aspects of Having a Personal Blog

As I just discussed in “Should I blog for myself or for a company?,” it isn’t necessary to choose between writing in a personal blog or writing in a company blog but because trying to keep up two blogs for newbies in the field can be overwhelming, you’ll definitely want to start out with one or the other. I thought we would discuss the pluses and minuses to having your own blog first, then move on to company blogs. Hopefully this will give you the chance to make an informed decision about what you want to do for yourself. 🙂 … Continue reading

Blogging as a Business, Part Two

If you missed part one, check it out here. So when blogs get large, the owner will bring on guest bloggers and will also intersperse their own blogs throughout, so that the content of the blog isn’t entirely written by someone else. Once a blog has grown even more and is too large for one person to handle, the owner will usually take on a manager or a partner and split the ad revenues with that person, to help handle the amount of work it takes to keep it going. Don’t worry about that just yet – you’ve got a … Continue reading

Blogging as a Business, Part One

I’ve talked about blogging as a hobby and blogging as a job, and now I wanted to talk about blogging as a business. Yes, there is a difference between blogging as a business and blogging as a job, although I certainly didn’t know the difference when I first started out. As I said before, when you blog as a job, the amount of income that you make directly corresponds with the amount of blogging that you do. If you stopped blogging on your personal blog today, your income would dry up because Google would eventually stop sending traffic your way, … Continue reading