Celebrating My One Year Anniversary as a Pets Blogger

Happy Anniversary! Not just to me (I officially became a Pets Blogger one year ago this month) but it’s also Families.com’s Second Anniversary this month too. (See Heather Long’s cute All I Want for Christmas… article for more about that.) In the Beginning… When Lisa Pietsch, who was the then Administrator (Heather’s now taken over that post), accepted my application and assigned me to Pets I was floored. I went from being very excited to very nervous. “Can I do it? Will I be able to meet the monthly minimums? What if people don’t like my stuff? What if I … Continue reading

Your Blog: “About Me”

Many blogs offer an “About Me” section that gives readers the opportunity to get to know the blogger a little bit better. The majority of bloggers tend to skip this section, either leaving it absent or filling it with cursory information. But here is why you should provide a good “About Me” section, and some tips about what to put in it. Unless all of your visitors to your blog know you intimately, visitors to your blog may be a little cautious about what you are saying. They are essentially meeting a stranger on the street and would like to … Continue reading

Your Blog: Doing Link Exchanges

One of the things out there in blog-land is the practice of link exchanges. These exchanges can drive more traffic to your blog, create a network of online blogging friends, and introduce you to people who share similar interests. Doing a link exchange is simply. You might have already participated in one or two without realizing it. Let’s say you have a friend who has a blog. You might add a section to your blog that says “Favorite Links.” Under that section is the name of your friend’s blog with a link to it. Your friend reads your blog and … Continue reading

Computing Review: August 4th Through August 10th

Do you have a blog? There are some articles this week all about blogging, from boosting your blog traffic to participating in memes. Of course there were other things to talk about, including new technology that helps find missing kids. Here is your Computing Blog in review for August 4th Through August 10th. August 4th Computing Review: July 28th Through August 3rd Do you treat your iPod like a baby or your baby like an iPod? Some folks do. And what about that possible taxi strike because of requirements for GPS systems. Are you in favor of the taxi commission … Continue reading

Your Blog: What is a Meme?

Memes are a big part of the blogging world today. Chances are, if you read just five or six blogs today, you’ll come across at least one. But what are they? Here is some information about them. In general, a meme is a sort of blog project. It is usually a list of open-ended questions listed and answered on a blog. The goal is generally to make the blogger think creatively, or to help readers get to know the blogger. Some example of questions that you might find in a meme might be: What moment made you realize that you … Continue reading

My Life as a Pets Blogger, Part II: Oh, The Tales I Hear

In Part I I talked about how I’ve come to claim myself as a writer via my Pets Blogging position with Families.com. The responses are very different than they once used to be when I simply said, “I’m a writer.” Is My Pet Normal? Take last week when I went to get my haircut for instance. Once the hairstylist heard I wrote about pets, she did what many do: assumed I’m some sort of expert. Before I knew it she was confiding in me about her cat Seymour. She started with anecdotes about him playing fetch. I’ve heard of cats … Continue reading

My Life as a Pets Blogger, Part I: Claiming the Fame

I’m pretty reserved about telling people I’m a writer. (In addition to blogging, I also write other articles, short stories and I even have a book out.) It’s not that I’m not proud of what I do. Far from it. Instead, I’m hesitant to share my occupation when I first meet people because (a) I’m modest, and (b) you’d be surprised how many times I get this reaction: “Well, isn’t that a nice way for you to bide your time, dear? I wish I had that luxury.” A Better Way However, I subscribe to this one newsletter called Funds for … Continue reading

Boost Your Blog Traffic: The Informational Post

Seeking out information is what many web surfers love to do. If you can offer great information, you can be sure to boost the number of visits that your blog gets. An informational post is one in which you give information on a topic. It differs from an instructional post in that it informs rather than instructs. It is generally fact or new based, although writing opinions can sometimes work as well. It could take the form of a definition, such as what is a lentil? Or it can be some sort of longer explanation that takes the form of … Continue reading

Boost Your Blog Traffic: The Instructional Post

Need some new ideas for your blog? Have you tried the instructional post? This is one of the most popular types of blog posts in that it generally beings in lots of traffic. But what is an instructional post? Read below to learn all about it, including some tips to get you started. An instructional post is a blog post that tells or teaches people how to do something or offers tips on how to do something better. It is the opportunity for visitors to your blog to learn something new. An instructional post can be on almost any topic. … Continue reading

7 Reasons to Start A Blog

Have you been thinking of starting a blog lately? If you haven’t taken the plunge, you should. There are many great reasons to start a blog, and it has never been easier to do. You can get started today right here at Families. com. Just click on the My Site Tab at the top left of the page. Then click on journal on the right side of the page to get started. You can also create your own blog on your existing website, too. And now, here are seven reasons why you should start a blog. 1. To keep in … Continue reading