Why Trust a New Money Blogger?

I want to start off my blogging experience at Families with a brief introduction as well as a description of why you should trust me. Money is certainly a prized possession, and it should only part your company under the best circumstances. Why should you trust me to give you money advice? Well, let me first start by giving you my background and let you decide for yourself. I am a mother and wife, who is completely responsible for my family’s finances. My husband has no interest in money-matters, so luckily it is a passion of mine. For me, it … Continue reading

Should You Start a Direct Sales Blog?

I love blogging. In fact, I am addicted to it. I actually learned how to blog a little over a year ago and was hooked the moment I wrote my first post. As I was learning how to blog, I was also leading an direct sales organization of over three-hundred consultants. I spent much of my time dreaming of ways that I could use a blog to communicate with my downline teams, customers, potential recruits and hostesses. Unfortunately, my company had a policy which restricted any form of online advertising so I wasn’t able to put my ideas into action. … Continue reading

Welcome To My New Co-Blogger

Beginning February 1, 2007 there was a new addition to our Christian Blogging family here at Families.com. I am very excited to work along side of Amy who, like me, has love and a passion for Christ, and a desire to share of His goodness with others. Amy has taken the opportunity to introduce herself in her first blog so I won’t go into that here but I encourage you to read it (link provided at the bottom of this page). It really is wonderful to be able to work at a job along side of another Christian. I know … Continue reading

The Positives to Blogging for Families.com: Flexibility and Freedom!

Yesterday, I wrote a blog where I discussed some of the items to watch out for if you decide to blog for Families (the monthly quota, the fact you can’t be a plagiarist, etc.) Today, I wanted to cover some of the best reasons to becoming a Families.com blogger: Flexibility and freedom! Flexibility. Let’s say you’re on a writing streak, and you have a million ideas piled up inside. You write and write, churning out 20 blogs in one afternoon. You can take those blogs, go to the blog posting site, upload them all, and post date them so they … Continue reading

Think You Have What it Takes to Become a Families.com Blogger?

I have been receiving a lot of e-mails and PMs lately, asking me for more info on how to become a blogger. Since I am just about the laziest person you’ll ever meet, I thought that I would write all the info once, and then just refer everyone to this series when they had questions. Yes, I should try to work on my laziness streak, but let’s focus on something I may actually accomplish, like this blog. To start off, if you want to work from Families, you have to choose which topic you will cover. Mine, obviously, is Jobs … Continue reading

Blogs Can Help Promote & Grow Your Home Based Business

My name is Traci and I am a blog-aholic. I blog about my children, I blog about my pastimes, I blog about my fears, my hopes, my businesses, my vents and my aspirations. My blogging addiction took root on a quiet Sunday afternoon when I was sorting through photographs to send to my children’s grandparents. As I started to write short little blurbs on the back of the photos, I decided that there had to be an easier way. I asked some fellow at-home moms for suggestions on a message board forum and someone directed me to Blogger.com. I created … Continue reading

Blogging: An unconventional writing curriculum

A recent conversation between my two oldest girls: “What are you going to write about on your blog today?” “I’m going to post my story about the purple penguin.” “Cool! I’m going to list some of my favorite books. Do you think you’ll get any comments?” “I hope so. I love it when Daddy leaves me a comment.” “Me, too!” Our “living is learning” lifestyle incorporates a lot of real life and everyday activities as part of our curriculum. Andrea wrote about exactly this kind of thing here and here. When you homeschool, it just makes good sense to “count” … Continue reading

Setting a Schedule and Sticking to It: Part One

In yesterday’s blog, I talked about staying aware of your time sinks, using a kitchen timer, and why chocolate is important. Today, I wanted to tackle the problem of trying to set up a schedule for working from home. One of the biggest pulls towards working from home is the fact that you can work anytime–it’s flexible! But the biggest strength is also its biggest weakness. Many people who work from home end up working throughout the day from morning until evening, seven days a week. Although that sounds admirable (what a work ethic!) what actually ends up happening is … Continue reading

Thank You Families.com

As Thanksgiving is approaching, I’ve been reflecting on all the things that I’m thankful for. Since Families.com has given me the opportunity to blog for them, I’ve begun experiencing so much blessing and growth in my spiritual life. Thank you Families.com for giving me a space here to share my heart and love for others through my blogs. I am a stay-at-home-mom. Being my husband was the only one employed; it meant there wasn’t as much play money as there used to be. When Lisa offered me a blogging position, it meant not only getting a few extra dollars for … Continue reading

Resources for Christian Blogging

When beginning to blog for Families.com, I imagined I would share some things I’ve learned during my walk with the Lord. I figured there would be times were I’d need to be inspired and what better resource than the internet, right? While this is so true; the internet has so much available information, I find myself just as often digging in books. In looking at my cluttered workspace now, I find 3 open books that are awaiting my examination: 1. My Bible is perhaps the number one tool I use. Even when I use the internet to look up certain … Continue reading