Money Month in Review April 2007

This month in Money there were several great blogs on a variety of topics. There were blogs on budgeting, allowance, debt and credit card scams. Here is a synopsis of everything covered. Michelle shared her accomplishment of being debt free in Debt Free, Debt Free, Debt Free at Last. If you are already debt free or close to there you can read Debt Free! Now What? to learn the next steps to help you on the path to financial freedom. You can read about what to do with the extra money that you have each month. Michelle also warned us … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Feb 19-25

Presidents’ Day, Mardi Gras, and Ash Wednesday … ah, there was a lot going on in the “real world” last week, but what about in the Pets Blog? Miss anything? If so, here’s a recap of what Aimee and myself covered: Monday, February 19 Monday was Presidents’ Day. What better way to pay respect Pets Blog style than with a virtual trip to the Presidential Pet Museum to Hail the Resident Pets in Chief? (Of the many interesting facts I learned, the one that struck me the most was how pet-friendly our Leaders in Chief are or have been. Only … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Feb 12-18

Love was in the air with Valentine’s Day being the highlight event of last week, and Aimee and myself found a lot of stories with love as their theme to include in the Pets Blog last week… Monday, February 12 The pet industry is booming these days thanks to the millions of pet owners lavishing love on their pets every way they know how. But Aimee shows us that Memorializing Your Pet Becomes Big Business after they pass too, and she shares ways we can keep our dearly departed pets’ memories alive. The theme of loving animals (and learning from … Continue reading

Care of African American Children in Transracial Adoptions: When You need a Stylist

Previously, In this series of articles on care of African American children in transracial adoptions, I have discussed winter skincare, summer skincare, and basic hair care. I am not discussing advanced hair care problems for African American children. Mixed raced hair care, and care of long hair were discussed in a previous article. While caring for the hair of your African American child can be binding experience, there will be a time when you should call a stylist. Hair Problems: Sometimes in spite of doing everything by the book, your child will still have problems with their hair. These problems … Continue reading

Will a “Perfect” Child Cost More?

Does a “Perfect” child cost more? There has long been a perception that agencies will “charge” whatever they want for a healthy infant, especially if blonde and blue-eyed, while parents who can pay less will be offered “damaged” children. It goes without saying that it is offensive to speak about children as if they were goods to be purchased. So is there any truth at all to these perceptions? First of all, adoption agencies do not set “prices” for specific children. Adoption fees represent the cost of a homestudy, the agency overhead for office space and operations, salaries of children’s … Continue reading

Blogs Can Help Promote & Grow Your Home Based Business

My name is Traci and I am a blog-aholic. I blog about my children, I blog about my pastimes, I blog about my fears, my hopes, my businesses, my vents and my aspirations. My blogging addiction took root on a quiet Sunday afternoon when I was sorting through photographs to send to my children’s grandparents. As I started to write short little blurbs on the back of the photos, I decided that there had to be an easier way. I asked some fellow at-home moms for suggestions on a message board forum and someone directed me to I created … Continue reading

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary, Bloggers! I’m not entirely certain which day each blogger began, but those of us who have been with since the inception of the blogs, started one year ago this month. I found out about the opportunity on another site where I also write. I found the information the very last day applications were being accepted. I hurriedly typed an application, afraid I wouldn’t get it in on time. I was thrilled to learn that I had been hired, and I’ve enjoyed working here ever since. My very first article for this site was in the Home Blog, … Continue reading

Gaining Inspriation from Favorite Blogs

As scrapbookers, we are always looking for inspiration to keep us going. Not only are we looking for scrapbook inspiration, but also inspiration for life. I’m always looking for ideas and thoughts that keep me ticking and give me something to really think about. Today I would like to share a few of my favorite scrapbooking blogs from scrapbook artists who inspire me and fill me with not only great scrapbooking ideas, but ideas that can be applied to life. Stacy Julian – First of all, if you haven’t yet read her book, The Big Picture, you need to do … Continue reading

The Beauty of Mature Love

An unknown author wrote: ‘The question is asked Is there anything more beautiful in life than a young couple clasping hands and pure hearts in the path of marriage? Can there be anything more beautiful than young love? And the answer is given. Yes, there is a more beautiful thing, It is the spectacle of an old man and an old woman finishing their jounrey together on that path. Their hands are gnarled, but still clasped; their faces are seamed, but still radiant; their hearts are physically bowed and tired, but still strong with love and devotion for one another. … Continue reading

The Beauty of Blogging

Some writers view blogs as amateurish writing, something that anyone with a keyboard can do. Many writers seem to think that “real” writing means only painstakingly researched copy, footnoted facts, or feats of literary genius. In fact, blogs are an important part of internet communication and they are excellent marketing tools. A blog is to the online community what a reality show is to television. The reason both are so popular is that people enjoy looking into other people’s lives and sharing common experiences. Instead of discounting stream of consciousness writing, realize that other types of writing are far less … Continue reading