What to Expect If Your Baby is Jaundiced

If your baby is diagnosed with jaundice, the news can be scary for you. Jaundice can range from mild to severe. If left untreated, mild cases may resolve themselves. Severe cases could lead to brain damage or even death. Fortunately, for babies, jaundice is very common, and doctors and hospitals are well aware of the signs and the treatment. All three of my children were diagnosed with jaundice. Each had a different degree of jaundice and therefore different treatment or combination of treatments. Here is what to expect if your baby is diagnosed with jaundice. Pricks and blood tests Depending … Continue reading

AFP Tests – What do they mean?

Between the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy, you will receive a screening test called an AFP. It’s a blood test and you will need to give your permission before the test is done. There are so many blood tests and urine tests and just tests that we go through when we are pregnant and seeing our obstetricians that it is hard to keep them all straight. The following is some information on the AFP, I am not a physician by any stretch of the imagination so be sure to consult with your physician if you have any questions or … Continue reading