Some Business Bloopers are Funny

I do not like making mistakes in my home business any more than the next person, but I have to admit that some of the things that come across my desk or happen when I am working can be quite funny. Being able to laugh at myself or at some of the kooky things other people do can make the day go by faster and help alleviate some of that every day stress… Yesterday, I sent off a very detailed email to someone who I have not actually met in person yet but with whom I will be working with … Continue reading

Movie Bloopers: The Wizard of Oz

Bloopers 2: Wizard of Oz My first husband was raised in another country and had never seen the Wizard of Oz. I finally insisted he watch it with me one night, because it’s such an important part of America’s pop culture. All through the movie he kept saying things like, “So that’s what it means when people say ‘We’re not in Kansas anymore!’” It opened my eyes, too, about how much this movie is in our collective consciousness. Even if you’ve seen this movie ad naseum, it’s worth another look, if only to find these funny bloopers. Give your kids … Continue reading