Designer Babies Are Now Available

Well, we knew it was going to happen, it was just a matter of when. I think diversity breeds beauty literally. Think of all of the high fashion models out there that have bizarre features that somehow come together in the exact right way to make them beautiful. Or think about your own baby and how he or she is a perfect mix of the best of everything. However, if that isn’t enough for you, a fertility clinic is now letting you design your baby to a limited degree. Dr. Jeff Steinberg, who operates fertility clinics in New York and … Continue reading

Don’t Make My Brown Eyes Blue

When a baby is born, most babies have blue eyes. It’s common belief that as long as they have blue eyes for the first few weeks, they will likely keep their blue eyes. The thing is, that babies with blue can and often do get darker colored. They can change to brown, hazel or green. If your baby has brown eyes when they are born, chances are they will stay brown. However, it can take up to six months before your baby’s eye color changes. If they still have blue eyes after six months, they will have blue eyes from … Continue reading