Decide What You Want in the Garden

When planting shrubs in your garden you will need to think not only about whether you want flowering shrubs and if so what color. You will also need to think about what you want the shrub to do. Is it for a hedge or a screen for privacy, to fill in a bare spot or add height to the garden or relive hard angles from the house or just to look pretty? Another thing you might want to consider is the character of the plant. I’m a huge fan of plumbago particularly the deeper blue, though I like the one … Continue reading

Gardens Reveal so Much

It’s always good to branch out into other areas. That’s what I’m doing as I come to join you on the Home blog. Up till now, I’ve been writing for Marriage and Christian Family and I will still be doing that, but Michele thought I might like to contribute some ideas about home, so here I am. I’m planning on doing some articles about gardening. Gardening? I hear you say, as anyone who knows me knows me or has been reading my other blogs, know I don’t do gardening. But I do love gardens and do have a lot of … Continue reading