Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Outbreak Aftermath

After several of our guests got sick with an upper respiratory virus, we decided it was time for a major cleaning. We’re already very dedicated to cleaning at the cats-only boarding facility. The condos are cleaned as soon as a guest leaves, and at least once per week if they sit empty. The floors are swept and mopped twice per day. The playroom and exam room are sanitized after each cat is inside. But after four cats came down with a kind of cold, we didn’t want to chance other guests catching the same runny nose, runny eyes, and sneezing. … Continue reading

Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Full House!

I was warned, when I started my new part time job at the felines-only boarding facility, that the holidays would be a very busy time. That was NOT an understatement! Over the next few days, we are at full capacity — forty-five guests in the main boarding facility, plus another twelve in the quiet rooms on the veterinarian side of the office. There’s nothing quite like the chorus of meows that greets me in the morning. And we have all sorts of cats here, too. Lots of cute kittens — they tend to be the most vocal ones. A few … Continue reading

Choosing a Boarding Stable

Since we sold our farm in Virginia 18 months ago, my 12 year old Saddlebred mare has been staying at a stable that’s a bit of a distance for me to drive to and I don’t get to see her as often as I would like. I’m pretty busy, so I finally made the time to look for a stable close to home. Choosing a boarding stable is about as complicated as choosing a new car. You want a stable that’s accessible, close and provides the array of services and comfort you want for your horse. One of the best … Continue reading